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Your Guide to Web Series
Vol. 4, Issue# 031502

G E T  U P D A T E D

 F E A T U R E D

(Sites recommended by the Episodic editors:)

Dyes of Our Lives
For Now and Forever
The Legacy
Paradise Found
Power and Deception
Secret Horizons
Secret Journals of Phineas J. Magnetron

Episodic 101





Introducing ... the LinkBox Episode Update Exchange!

Want an attractive, easy way to link to the most current episodes of a variety of Web series? If you have a website and about ten minutes, you can get your very own self-updating LinkBox, the newest free feature from the Episodic!

sample linkboxThe LinkBox offers something for anyone with a website and a love of Web series, and also serves as a link exchange for the series themselves.

It's actually a snippet of code that, when placed in your webpage, will produce a small scrollable window of links to several different Web series -- and not just links, but regular updates whenever there are new episodes to enjoy! Think of it as a news headline service for Web entertainment!

(Since we've just started, there might only be one or two links at the time you read this, but this will change shortly!)

Great for Audiences and Producers Alike!

If you have a personal webpage, you probably enjoy putting up interactive gizmos and links to sites that reflect your taste, all for your visitors to enjoy. You also probably like having fresh content available, so your site always has something new to look at.

This makes the LinkBox perfect for you -- install it once, and not only will you suddenly have links to several varied webseries without having to add them yourself, you'll also get the links updated automatically without having to do any of the work!

For series producers, joining the LinkBox exchange will be an incredible opportunity to advertise your series and promote your latest episodes, while also offering your audience a great tool to find other series to enjoy -- and you'll have an easy way to promote the work of other producers as well! It'll take a little more work whenever you want to update your info (just editing a text file and uploading it to our site) but the benefits will be worth it!

Getting Linked on the LinkBox

Producers who want to add their series to the exchange should place the LinkBox on their own site, and then send a note to the Episodic to get instructions on activating your membership.

Once you're added, you'll be able to update your own listing by editing a single line of code in a text file and uploading it via FTP to the Eppy's site -- and you can update it at your own schedule, whenever you have a new episode to announce!

The LinkBox's Flexible Design!

The LinkBox comes in two style choices -- LinkBox #1 uses black and gray, and will look great with sites that use a dark background color. LinkBox #2 is a white and gray version, appropriate for designs with lighter colors.

Best of all, each LinkBox code provides a working solution for your visitors, whether they use IE or Netscape, Opera or other alternates. IE users will see the regular LinkBox; Netscapers and other users will get a link that will open up a handy little remote control version of the LinkBox.

Have we convinced you? Click one of the choices below to see a sample page with a live working version of the LinkBox, as well as easy instructions to install the LinkBox on your own webpage!

sample dark linkbox sample light linkbox
Snapshot of the dark LinkBox. Click for a working sample and easy installation instructions!
Snapshot of the light LinkBox. Click for a working sample and easy installation instructions!

Any questions? Visit the Eppy Forum, or write us at editor@episodicreview.com


Quick Menus:

Current Features:

The Latest EpiBlog

Web Series Workshop: For Now and Forever

Web Series Workshop: The Files of Hydrogen Guy

Web Series Workshop: What Tomorrow Brings

Join the Episodic Team: Be a Topic Guide!

Reflections: Editorial on Series Promotion

Tooting Your Horn - A Guide to Promotion at the Episodic


Skatefic: Spinning Tales

Sizzling up the Screen: Summer 2002 Preview (Part 2)

Web Series Workshop: Wonderland

Sizzling up the Screen: Summer 2002 Preview (Part 1)

Web Series Workshop: Mu

Web Series Workshop: Customer Service (Follow-up)

Audience Appraisals: Wonderland

Life Portraits: Diana Sinclair from Paradise Found

Behind the Screens: An Interview with Wonderland's Tom King

Name this Column: Around the Webseries World

Web Series Workshop: University Avenue

The LinkBox

W R I T E: